Friday, September 30, 2005

Barack Obama post at Kos

Linked above and well worth the read. Not necessarily the comments but what he has to say I found interesting. It's long but I think important.



Jonathan said...

While I admire Obama's articulation of views, and even agree with his assessment of Americans in many instances (such as not hating corporations, not thinking Bush is racist, etc.), I think he is naive in other areas.

For example, he says that he thinks if Democrats convey their liberal (or, as he likes to call it, "progressive"...a word that gets its origins in the American communist movement) message with stunning clarity, then America will respond positively...especially in places like Nebraska and North Dakota for Senate races next yesr.

In those two states (along with scores others), liberalism goes over about as well as a fart in church. Explaining to the electorate exactly how liberal you are would be a recipe for electoral defeat in most parts of the country...IMHO.

Obama seems to respect the electoral process and presidential prerogative, and he wisely identifies that the Kos kooks are harming the "progressive" cause they're trying to advance. Thus, I admire his ability to be, for the most part, realistic and pragmatic. He's a bright guy with great appeal, regardless of how much of his politics I disagree with.

I just hope he's not like Kerry, in that he speaks out of both sides of his mouth.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure if I could support him if he were to run for President. He is worth watching though especially if as you said Jonathan he demonstrates he means what he says. I especially liked his expanded comments the other day about not responding to special interest groups. What I did find disturbing is after stating what he did about Roberts that he didn't vote for him. I felt he would have been more convincing had he voted for Roberts rather than against.

Sometimes I think too many are pinning too much hope on him as far as being future presidential material but time will tell on how he turns out.

Unknown said...

I also have to say I give him credit for having the guts to post what he did at Kos. Some of them were not overly happy with what he wrote.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


Obama wrote an interesting, but confusing message which contains many inconsistent contradictions.

There was evidence of petty sniping (intermixing Haliburton with political parties) and injecting wonderful new terms such as civic religion.

Overall, I would like to change the title of this piece, “Barak Obama’s Diary,” to something more accurate and meaningful; maybe something like this:

My Political Thoughts
The Diary of a Schizophrenic

Obama nonetheless deserves watching, as his political star is rising. I may have to start an Obama Dictionary to keep track of his travels.

Lastly, “Centrist” is a tricky word that describes an elusive, moving target. Close your eyes and open them again and it has moved on you. And, the destination “Centrist” depends on where you are when you begin to move towards it. Not everyone with you will be heading in the same direction when you all start heading for the “Centrist” land.

Scott G said...

Nebraska does not have a problem with liberal values. What they have a problem with is getting past the falsehoods that have made liberal a bad word. Same as everywhere else. I think a lot of people support liberal ideas, they just don't know it. In a similar way, I think there are some good conservative values.

Lisa- I don't see any contradiction in what he said and his vote. He sounds like he had my opinion, Roberts was not who I would want, but he was also not worth going to war over.

Unknown said...

I guess me4 I would have felt he was really standing up to the pressure if he did believe Roberts was a good candidate he should have voted yes.

He did defend those who voted for Roberts, but it was to me like if he really believed what he was saying about them then why didn't he vote yes? That's where I felt it was a bit of a contradiction.

I do think he has potential and was sorry to see the way he was lambasted on Kos by some.

Scott G said...

Kos and most of the people on there are jackasses. They are part of the reason that Dems keep losing.

Unknown said...

I haven't had problems with Kos yet...but Armando doesn't like me.


That is not necessarily bad...

Scott G said...

I have never had problems with him either. I just think that too many intelligent people are too damn stupid for politics. Their methods don't work. Maybe they should adjust instead of attacking harder

Unknown said...

I get irritated when they post something that's not accurate then don't bother to retract it. Especially since they are so quick to call others on accuracy.

I also don't like the whole popularity contest that seems to errupt there if you dare have a problem with Armando especially, but there are a few people there (not frontpagers) that I enjoy reading.