Friday, September 09, 2005

The art of Mom Fu....

Those of you who know me have heard about the epic battles that have been fought here with fake star wars light sabers with me as Darth Mom usually the victor. I have not written before about my Mom Fu skills.

There is a special skill needed to win at Mom Fu, one must look not only convincing (I suggest the crane position) but special additions are needed. To win in Mom Fu you must not only appear first to be a worthy opponent but move with lightening speed and some extra dance steps, a well practiced bunny hop while demonstrating beaver teeth is worth developing. (A proper HIIIYAAA also is needed to pull this off) This takes your child opponent off concentration and enables you to move in for those soft tickle zones, (preferably the stomach) while they are laughing.

So they laugh, what matters in the end is that You are victorious.

I would however strongly recommend not doing this public, unless you are prepared for the visit from mental health professionals. However, I have found in dealing with both child and teenagers this is a way to easily defeat those faster, more worthy opponents and guarantee a win without having to practice the Lisa jumps on and over the dining room table move that is not always a wise one depending on the strength of your dining room table.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It helps to be slightly insane, keeps the kids on their toes.
