Saturday, August 20, 2005

Teaching hatred

I've written before here on parents who teach their children hate. Not only here in the US by taking children to anti-war protests or counter protesting the anti-war efforts but in Israel and Palestine as well. Anti-disengagement protestors in both Israel and the US have made young children the focus to grab more media attention. For some reason these types of people feel their children being taught hatred is acceptable. Rather than realize that some issues are not appropriate for children to be dragged into some of these children are being used.

As I read the above linked article in today's Haaretz I wondered, what kind of adults will some of these children grow up to be? From the article:

They had come to warn the journalists not to enter the settlement, explaining that it was private property. "And what will happen if we come in and ask to speak with your parents?" asked one reporter. The children looked at one another, went off to the side for a brief consultation, and then the oldest member of the gang announced: "It would end very badly, there could even be bloodshed." At which his friends nodded their heads in agreement.

The children of the Yehezkel family, who were led from their homes to buses that waited to evacuate them, will not soon forget how their grandfather Eitan instructed them to walk out with their hands raised and with orange patches on their shirts. The eldest grandson will not be able to erase the sound of his own voice shouting: "This is how they expelled us from Germany; now we are being expelled from here."

As is their wont, the children tried to provoke the adults. They repeatedly came over to warn the journalists and to request, like their parents, not to photograph them. They hid from the camera lens under the tallit of the leader of the gang, and then peeked out at the photographers. But from mischievousness, rage and wickedness burst forth, as well. After the residents refused to allow the entry of an army truck with containers for them to pack up their belongings, and repeatedly forced it to reverse, one of the children shouted at the driver: "Run them over, run them over," as he pointed at the journalists. When the latter asked the children if they could ask their parents to enable a few reporters to enter the settlement and use the restroom, one boy, who looked to be about nine years old, replied: "Do it in the sand, like animals. You are animals.?To which his young friend added: "You're garbage."

A mother who came over to urge the children to go home was asked about their harsh statements and the education they receive. "When you become religious, come back to us. Until then, get out of here," she said. And in order to dispel any doubt, she reiterated the sentiment in the vernacular. "Ruhi," (Go, in Arabic), she told one reporter standing next to her.


The Seriously Ill said...

I think my old professor Colman McCarthy at Georgetown was right when he was first approached to teach a class on writing at a DC public school. His reply: "I'd rather teach peace."

Jonathan said...

Lisa, you wanna see hate? Check out the moonbat at my blog who, needless to say, disagrees with me on the Sheehan thing.

Granted, it's not nearly the same thing as what you document here in your post, but it's an unhinged #sshat nonetheless.