Friday, July 08, 2005

Parish refuses to go gently into the night....

The Toledo Catholic Diocese made the decision to close several parishes. This decision will reduce the number of parishes in the 19-county diocese, which has 305,000 members, from 157 to 134.

St. James Parish, in nearby Kansas, Ohio is fighting this decision. They have appealed to the vatican and are holding 24 hour 7 day a week prayer vigils. The locks on the church have been changed however they continue their vigil. There have been recent rumors that the Diocese was going to order those attending these vigils arrested (The Diocese denies threatening this). The original 100 are now down to 50, due to the arrest threat/rumor, yet they are still fighting to hold on to their parish.

In today's times of Catholic Churches who are averaging only 31 percent participation from their membership, St. James has an average of 79 percent who attend. They are also financially self sufficient, and it is obvious they want to keep their community intact. It seems to me that the Diocese would want to encourage this type of a congregation rather than to destroy it.

So far all attempts to get Bishop Blair to change his mind have been unsuccessful, so their only hope at this time seems to be the Vatican interceeding for them. If you'd like more information or would like to write letters on their behalf, more information can be found at their website:


Scott G said...

From my experience, dioceses don't like churches that are successful outside the mold. There was always talk in Des Moines of closing churches because some had poor attendance, but it was often the churches with high attendance that were mentioned. My theory was that the churches that were most open and accepting were the ones that had the highest attendance. At least that was my experience.

Unknown said...

I've been very lucky where I go but they are going to build a new church for my parish which I'm not crazy about, I like the one we have now, I don't like the modernist style. But at least ours is staying open. Which is why I wanted to get this out there to try to help them because there have been times when Diocese have changed their mind if enough people make an issue of it.

Anonymous said...

Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
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