Saturday, July 02, 2005

Islamic States promise to help Iraq

Well sort of.....

SANAA (AFP) - Islamic states promised more assistance for Iraq in the face of a raging insurgency but baulked at the outright condemnation of "terrorism" requested by its under-fire government.

A final statement issued after a three-day meeting of foreign ministers of the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference insisted on a right of "legitimate resistance against occupation".

Felt this was important to point out, because while the US has and continues to mishandle things in Iraq, the Islamic states not helping makes it even more difficult for Iraq. Of course one of the main reasons the OIC doesn't support Iraq is because they don't really want it to become a democracy yet as they did with Palestine, they make a huge issue out of the plight of their poor Arab brothers but do nothing.....

This in turn forces Iraq to be even more dependent on the US because they have no where else to turn. What the OIC should be realizing is that what has happened in Iraq could very easily be them next and it is in their best interest to have not only the US leave but for Iraq to be stable.

OIC hasn't updated their website but if there is further information? I'll update.....


Anonymous said...

I doubt they feel it is in their interest to stop what's going on. In their view, this is a way to tie us down and reduce the threat to themselves.

The thing is starting to remind me of the intifada.

Cyberseaer said...

I say we just make Irag the 51st state and be done with it. The US is going to have to support Irag for the next twenty years anyway. Hell, let's make the world the United States of the American World and then everyone can pool their money to fix the other's problems. Plus there will be no need to fight and we can sing hand in hand from ocean to ocean and all that other crap.