As the regular readers of this blog know my fourth child recently entered the wonderful world of work via a fast food place. Yesterday a policeman came into the place, came up to the counter, ordered and when she told him what the total was he snapped at her.
"I don't think so, you better promo that, get ___(manager's name) up here now" in a very threatening tone of voice. She looked at him... "Excuse me?" she asked. "GET ______(manager's name) UP HERE NOW" he said in a very loud tone of voice, scowling at her.
Well the manager heard, came up and told Erin police get to eat for free so to promo it. Then proceeded to apologize profusely to the policeman.
No one had told Erin, police eat free, nor is it in her manual. Fireman have to pay, EMS workers have to pay but for some reason police get to eat free and like employees who have limits on what they can get, there is no dollar limit placed.
I realize this is to encourage police to hang out at a place, the local carryout that cashes checks does the same thing with free coffee and it's not uncommon to see several different combinations of local, sheriff or highway patrol hanging out there. That way when they are bored they can also run plates of cars of people that are inside then wait for them to get in their cars and pull them over. Get's those miscreants who have problems with their stickers or some other minor issue dealt with.
My point is he didn't have to be rude. Will she come across lots of rude customers? Of course, she has already, but he came in all attitude and was threatening when all he had to do was tell her, "we get to eat free while on duty, call _____ and she'll tell you."
What message did every teen get that worked there yesterday? "Cops get to eat free and they are real jerks about it too". The fact that the manager made such a huge deal about apologizing when "hello" if it was that important why isn't it in your training manual? How was Erin supposed to know? Just automatically promo it because a police officer demanded she do so without question? He's the one who should have apologized.....
In a lot of places, this isn't legal. Often, cops aren't supposed to accept "gifts" - and that may be why it's not in the training manual.
Well, you have said that the cops at your town have nothing better to do. Alot of cops, not all, become cops to have that the power of control. If you beat up a kid in high school, he may become a cop and then bust you for going 1.5 miles over the speed limit.
When I was pumping gas and handling the convenice store at the station, we gave the cops free coffe at the time, because a pot of coffe was paid for after two small cups were sold. But if they wanted cigs or snacks, they paid. And the cops were cool with it. All of them in that town were even tempered when they were at the store and I would BS with them and ask them questions so I wouldn't get busted at speed traps. One of the cooler cops told everyone the one way to beat a speeding ticket was to do the speed limit. And always with a smile on his face. He was a ball buster as well. :)
I know some nice cops, though I am hard on some of our local ones that could find better uses of their time....that said, I have had personal experience with some of the power trippers. Think Erin just did too...
You bring up a very valid point dot, and she is learning alot from this job and not just about food but about people and the value of money. She's learned about taxes and how many hours she had to work to buy one item that before she wouldn't have given a second thought about asking for. She's also learning what you pointed out so well, that part of life is learning to deal with different people, even the jerky ones.
One of the reasons I think all teens should have a part time job though she is starting younger than her siblings. Then again, I learn too...
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