Thursday, June 30, 2005

Something this way wicked comes....

For some people storms are things to be afraid of. I love stormy weather. We just got hit with a wicked line of thunderstorms that was an amazing display of nature's power. If I could have a dream trip it would be to storm chase. I've seen tornados, and I'd love to get closer. Not close enough of course to see if I can be like Dorothy and really fly - lol.

I've tried to take pictures of lightening, I of course don't have the right equipment. Watching the sky turn that dark greenish gray color and counting the time between the light and the boom.....

Laying there at night when a thunderstorm is hitting watching a display that is more awesome than fireworks. Sitting here today with transformers blowing up, trees falling, power flickering, feeling the strong winds blow thru......

I need to watch Twister again....We got Cows!!!!



Cyberseaer said...

Twister? My Go, that was bad awful flick. I only saw it on video and it rates up there with Independence Day. Great F/Xs for the big screen, crappy for the TV because the story sucks ass. Anyway, i have a friend who loves the lightening more so than you, Lisa. He was in Fl when the nor'eater of 96 hit. He had to stay in his hotel room an extra night since the airports were closed. He stayed up all night to see the lighting that suck the coastline. He was in his glory watching that. I was home shovelling snow and starting to hate snow.

Good luck on your dream of being a storm chaser, just be careful, since those babies can turn on you in an instant. I'll be in the storm shelter and Auntie Emm with the rest of the chickens. LOL

Unknown said...

I love the movie Twister, because of the special effects though sure the acting leaves a bit to be desired -

Then again I love watching the Holy Grail too among other "classics"

Guess that means you don't want to be a fellow storm chaser now doesn't it?


Scott G said...

I love thunderstorms. That is why I don't really like where I am in Minnesota. What they call a thunderstorm here is 2 lightning stikes and a clap of thunder. I prefer the feeling when you are in bed and it feels like the lightning came into your bedroom and the thunder shakes stuff for a couple of minutes. That is relaxation.

I have seen a few tornadoes. A few from a distance and 2 at the same time from way too close. We were doing some field training in the Army and 2 storms came at us from different directions. 2 tornadoes ended up coming at us too. SInce there was nowhere to hide, we just watched as it tore up our tents and flipped our trucks. None of us were hurt because they just kind of went around us. They were cool to watch, but my heart took about a year to slow down

Unknown said...

Wow me4, not only are you more bellicose than me but you have a closer encounter of the tornado kind too. My closest encounter was one going over the top of our car when I was pretty young. Didn't even really move the car as it was still up there a ways. But it was awesome to see.

My part of Ohio has the real boomers still that make the whole house tremble. Only downside is the dogs freak out, however from what I understand our Ohio t-storms are still small compared to some of them out West.

Unknown said...

(taking personal notes)

Army training, loves storms...potential future storm chaser....after your judicial appointment of course....


Anonymous said...

I hate the storms. I was about to hide under my desk at work today. I know, I'm a big baby.

Scott G said...

I miss SOuth Carolina and Virginia storms. And sweet tea too.

I would love to be a storm chaser. maybe I can moonlight while the Court is in recess. My dad used to have to park his fire truck on the runway during tornadoes while he was in the Air Force. He is terrified of storms now

Unknown said...

My dad was a pilot so he loved weather, which is why I probably love storms...all those years of standing out there with him watching them with my mother telling us we were crazy to get inside - lol

My kids are semi weather watchers till it comes to tornado watches and warnings...

Scott G said...

If the wind got strong at night, my Dad would open the windows and make us go into the basement.

I think I liked storms because he hated them so much. It was my rebellion