But thinking about mail makes the song from Blues Clues come to mind, I will spare you posting the whole song though....I wanted to say thanks to those of you who email me your thoughts on what I post here. Especially MFWSHAB....
Yes my email has increased since I quit excite, guess there is still alot speculation as to when I'm coming back, if I'm lurking, why I left for those who missed it, etc. ectc. Don't think I am coming back, not lurking because that would be pointless...anyone who knows me knows if I went there I'd post. Why I left has been answered in private to those of you who have asked. A double thank you to those who discovered I am using the gmail address more than the excite one but I will still answer my excite mail.
I realize one of the downsides to this particular blogging software is that you can't write long comments so I enjoy my emails about what I post just as much as those of you who take the time to comment.
One of the cool things about the tracking software I use to find out how many hits I have is some of the other info it tells me about those of you who visit me on a regular basis. Your private info is safe, it doesn't give specific details ....Sooo for those of you who come here's some interesting stuff on who else visits with you.
Not all of you who visit me live in the US or even Canada...Visitors from Finland, Cayman Islands, Australia, Germany and England come here. Most of you use XP, then Macs followed by Windows 98 then Windows 2000 then ME. Some of you visit from military or government domains (though I admit the first time I saw the Department of Justice show up I wondered what I had done - lol) . More visitors live in the East Coast time zone than my time zone that visit here.
So there's some info I thought was cool....and once again....Thanks for coming it's alot more fun doing this because of all of you.
Yeah - the first time I saw DOJ, and .mil addresses in the logs for Robot, I sort of freaked out. Then I thought about it a bit. That was when I realized that there really is such a thing as "liberal bias" - just not on CNN.
I always wanted to ask you if you got them too, now I know.
My fear of the black helicopters has now diminished...lol
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