I started off my day today stopping in at What is it Today (she's very good). There was a post on Orcinus that she pointed out that was about these "Liberal Hunting Permits". After 911 some person in an attempt to make money similar to the whole Bin Laden toilet paper ideas created "Terrorist Hunting Permits". Not to be outdone evidently a few have now come up with the idea of "Liberal Hunting Permits". It is of course supposed to be humor, sick humor but this is type of thing is protected under Free Speech. The incidents of people having to remove bumper stickers or signs because they are considered offensive has been pretty rare.
Some of you are probably wondering, okay now what does some silly bumper sticker have to do with the Flag Amendment or the Koran?
When the stories first came out about the Koran being defaced there were protests in other countries. People died. Newsweek was blamed. People here on the internet and in real life talked about how silly it was to place that much of a big deal over a book. That someone could burn our Bibles and it was no disrespect to the words contained within. It was only a symbol.....We talked about the laws in some of these countries and how silly, how backward, how un-civilized these people are to have laws that would have a death sentence for merely defacing a symbol. That here in our Country we have Free Speech. We can put stickers or signs or state basically what we want as long as we don't harm someone.
It's become pretty common on the media to see groups of anti-American protestors in other countries burning our flag. Why? Because it is a symbol. This amendment would of course not affect them because most of the flag burning incidents don't even happen on our soil.
I personally think that anyone that would sport one of those "Liberal Hunting Permit's" is a twit. I personally have never burned a flag or a bible or a koran nor do I intend to. I never even burned a bra during that whole era (okay it was because I didn't own one but still). I don't believe that type of protest gets the message in a way that facilitates change or action.
But if you want to burn the flag or the bible or the koran or any symbol? I certainly won't hand you a match, but I will remember a time in history when our own founding fathers wrote our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I will remember how many died to give us the ability to have free speech, that it is not really free at all. It has been paid for in blood over and over again.
Well said. I had never thought of the Koran or Bible in the same sense as flag burning. The Koran especially is similar since it is not only a religion, but a symbol for many governments and people.
I am not a big fan of Americans burning the flag. I believe they have a right to do so and I know it is just a symbol, but it makes me mad. I see it as a symbol of hope and not the government or country. It is not about who we are, but who we could be.
If people want to make a statement, they should burn the true symbol of our country, money.
Very well said Lisa. I understand you stated that the American flag, the Bible and the Koran are symbols, but I do not agree with your assetment. I feel that the flag and the Bible are living symbols and that they should not be disrespected by burnings in protest. Though I do not follow the Koran, that too is a living symbol and should be just as respected. In the case of the flag, too many people died to keep the flag stand high. To burn it for a bullshit protest just because some people feel that an adminstration is doing wrong is pissing on the grave of every American who defended and/or died in the defense of this country. I feel that a flag burning amendment should be made. Not for the disposals of old flags, but for the burning of the flag in protest.
There are more peaceful ways to protest than flag burning. If others in other countries do this, we can not stop them. But if you live in America, you should respect the flag and all of it's glory. If you live in other person's home that has taken care of you, do you go shit in the living room to make your point? Of course not. If you do, do not expect to keep living there.
The Bible and Koran are writings from God, in my opinion. Burning or destorying them in any way is disrespectful towards God and you don't want to piss off the Big Guy. The same for any religious book or symbol. If the non believers do this, I can't stop them, but don't expect me to say that it's okay.
I understand your disagreement with me on it. This is going go be one of our agree to disagree things. I do not see burning a Bible, a Koran or an American flag as a direct attack or harm that should be prosecuted. They are focusing on the symbol not the actual word of God or the United States.
I think our right to freedom of speech should extend to even acts like this that some of us view as distasteful. Where do you draw the line once you do that?
That's why I do not support an amendment. It may be founded in patriotic intentions but I don't believe it should happen.
I also don't think we need an amendment. Just because I disagree and find it offensive, doesn't mean it should be illegal. They have the right to do so. I don't want to take that. I just think that there are better uses of their energy if they really want to see change.
I agree there are better uses of protesting methods.
I'll never forget the first time I saw an American flag burned, it was during a vietnam protest. I thought to myself then as I do now why burn the very symbol that represents our ability to protest.
I realize most times it done out of a sense of anger or deep frustration with our government. The very burning of the flag is a symbol of dissent and disdain not at us as Americans but most times with our elected officials. I may not agree with it being done but I do believe very strongly that to take away or limit this is not a road we want to head down.
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