Friday, May 27, 2005

More Noe or....

Why Lisa cannot do math

Governor Taft has announced James Conrad has resigned, been terminated, however you choose to intepret it.

However, I started thinking (yes, a dangerous thing).

The Toledo Blade reported:

Mr. Noe’s attorney, Bill Wilkinson, contacted the state to say that $10 million to $12 million of assets are “unaccounted for.”

Now bear with me for a moment okay? If the 10 to 12 million is missing from the 50 million dollar fund does that include the profits of 15 million that have been stated were made or is that in addition to the 15 million dollars in profits that has been stated were made?

If, it is including the profits then in reality as it stands right now, no money was lost but the profits were either exaggerated or mishandled. If this does not include the 15 million dollars worth of profits, five million of which was stated was reinvested then the dollar amount of the total loss is much higher because those profits are missing as well.

Even if you only count the five million that was reinvested the actual account should be 55 million. So...either more money is missing or the profit is missing, which still affects the BWC. However it is my own personal desire to be precise that makes me point this out....

There are still so many unanswered questions, and I've never seen anything that shows how much or where the profit came from or went. I do know that five million dollars of profit was supposed to be "reinvested" but so far no one has provided the full details.