Friday, April 08, 2005

Was I wrong about Horowitz?

I was reading Robot-Invasion (very good blog) Brew wrote a thread about Horowitz supporting David Corn. Basically what's happened for those of you who don't know, David Corn was supposed to speak at Arkansas State University Mountain Home. He was informed his speaking engagement was cancelled because he had an anti-Bush ad on his personal blog. He's tried to get confirmation from the University as to this being the reason or not, so far no real response. David's blog

Then enter Students for Academic Freedom who wrote a letter to the University President signed by none other than David Horowitz.

This part of it (which can be found on David Corn's Blog) struck me....

If Mr. Corn is correct that you cancelled the speech due to his outspoken leftist political views, this is a gross violation of the principles of academic freedom which call for free and open discussion on our college campuses. The Academic Bill of Rights proposed by our organization states that "An environment conducive to the civil exchange of ideas being an essential component of a free university, the obstruction of invited campus speakers, destruction of campus literature, or other effort to obstruct this exchange will not be tolerated."

However distasteful Mr. Corn's views may be to you, he was an invited speaker and has the right to his opinions. It is the responsibility of educational institutions like Arkansas State University Mountain Home to provide their students access to a wide range of views and teach them to respond in a civil and reasoned way. To withdraw an invitation from an invited speaker sends exactly the wrong educational message to students.

I realize there are some very valid reasons to not support Horowitz's suggested Academic Bill of Rights, not to mention several of the stories he likes to talk about where student's have been "victimized" by Liberal Professors is greatly exaggerated. Having read alot about it most Professors, even the conservative ones asked believe it's not necessary that the majority of College Professors are professional enough to make this a non-issue to them. That said though this does raise the issue of if someone is invited by a legitimate branch of a University should it take more than just a "sorry we changed our minds" to eliminate an exchange of ideas and what we hold speech.....

How can we really expect college to be a time where our children get an opportunity to fully experience diversity and different points of views if they are kept from hearing all sides? College for most is their first time of independence, a time to learn, to question what they've learned from their parents and high school teachers. I've watched my older two grow and mature and most of all "experience life" granted I'd love my children to be just like me politically, who wouldn't. I've learned what is more important is that they believe in themselves and they're not afraid to challenge their belief system. Some things still remain a part of their beliefs, infact even stronger and sometimes....I learn I need to rethink things. (Not often though since they think I am the research queen - lol)

It's also worth pointing out that Horowitz also does not support Ward Churchill being fired.

Looking at this as honestly has I can and removing what bias I have towards Horowitz, I have to say he is being very non-hypocritical in his support of freedom of speech at Universities. While I realize he has his own personal agenda, the fact that he can remove himself from that to lend support to David Corn is worthy of not only notice but a ((KUDOS)) to Mr. Horowitz.