Monday, March 28, 2005

Media backing off Schiavo story?

Now that the appeal process is done and the Schindlers have limited their giving any more media interviews several interesting things happened. First some the protestors showed they did not respect the Schindler's wishes. Then there was some differing opinions between Randall Terry and one of the attorneys, Gibbs on who was the "approved" person to report updates on Terri's physical condition.

Yesterday the protestors got quite abit of the news and print coverage. Today the Schiavo story didn't even make the front page of the Washington Post. CNN one story about the fight being taken to Washington. Fox appears to be the only one making this still a large media story listing on their website "Continuing coverage". CBS, one link not the main feature. ABC, two stories, not the main feature, NBC, one story.

Today MSNBC reported the protestors have become more agressive, the day also saw some of the harshest rhetoric, with some in the crowd mocking the police by goose-stepping like Nazis. Several news sources reported the nearby elementary school was closed and the children bussed to other locations due to security concerns.

I agree with Bobby Schindler when he stated that some of the protestors were not acting in a manner that supports what the family stands for. However that is the huge downside to creating a situation where you have earlier in the week Randall Terry encouraging people to come down to Florida to protest. You get some of the more peaceful rational protestors that do make your case, but you also get some of the more "extremists" from both sides that if anything hurt your cause much more than they help it.

Entertainment tonight, not to be left in the loop made a large issue out of there being some problems concerning funeral arrangements, implying that cremation is not something that the Catholic Church approves. While the majority of Catholics are not cremated the numbers have increased dramatically since the Vatican changed it's position on cremation in 1963 and then again in 1997. A funeral mass is still possible for Terri as her parents wish whether she is cremated or not. Another issue is the claim that it is believed by some that Michael abused Terri and that's why he wants cremation to take place to "hide" something. The reality is it is much easier to transport a body out of state if it is cremated and it's obvious Michael has no desire to have Terri's final resting place be some kind of must visit grave site. It was announced today that he has given permission for an autopsy to be done prior to her cremation perhaps as a response to that, perhaps as a way to making sure there is not another court battle after her death.

While I would like the media to be more responsible in reporting the truth as opposed to some of the misinformation they have put out there, I'm glad the huge focus is being diminished, especially since the majority of the focus was more hype than fact. However, there are some very valid issues that have been raised by what has happened that shouldn't fade away after Terri's death. First would be every person creating some type of living will or advanced medical directive preferably with a durable power of attorney. That's a much more positive step than merely discussing this which creates the whole situation should there be any end of life issues that happened with Terri. Secondly, states should take a look at what the requirements are from a judicial standpoint when it comes to PVS and oral directives, medicine has changed since most of them have addressed this. In areas where the diagnosis of PVS are cloudy that should be dealt with. Personally I believe this should be done on a state basis and not a federal one. Federal involvement should only be considered if states fail to do this on their own.

Those of us with faith believe everything happens for a reason, I can't claim to understand why Terri or her family or her husband have gone thru everything they have the past 15 years. It's impossible to figure out what God's plan is, but just as it is said by some the rainbow appears after a storm to remind us of God's promise to Noah, there can be a positive outcome for all of us. That somehow after the storm has passed we find that rainbow..........

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Anonymous said...

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