As of late we've talked alot about why isn't the Jeff Gannon story getting attention from the mainstream media. However the story of Frank Jude, Jr. and the lack of national media attention is even more disturbing.
For those of you not aware of the story Frank Jude was beaten severely back in October by at least ten Milwaukee police officers. Finally this week three of them were charged. Part of the reason for the delay in charges was the lack of cooperation within the Police Department to 'rat' out fellow officers.
Frank Jude was almost beaten to death because he made the mistake of going to a party with four women to the house of one of the police officers. He was black they were all white. As he left because he felt immediately uncomfortable at the reception his arrival received, he was accused of stealing a wallet and badge which was never found. At least ten off duty police officers beat him, ripped off his clothing, slammed a pen in his ears, and when you listen to the 911 call from one of the females who brought Jude to the party the first police officers to arrive on the scene joined in the beating.
Only four of the officers were even suspended. Now only three have been charged and the Prosecuters office has not deemed this a hate crime. I disagree since it is obvious the reason Jude was beaten was because he was black had he been a white man showing up at this same party it's doubtful there would have been the same end result.
This is not the first time white police officers have been accused of beating black men in this same area of Milwaukee. Last summer Charles Griffin while on leave from Iraq was arrested and beaten by four detectives. He claims he was just standing on the corner in his old neighborhood the detectives claim he resisted arrest and did not cooperate with their investigating a nearby gang related shooting. He was held over night in jail and it does not appear he was charged with anything, however there still has been no real investigation of his beating. He did go back to Iraq and is now back in the US.
It's time for this type of behavior to end. It should have ended decades ago. If we continue to fail to not only give these stories media attention but not fully prosecute the police who end up involved in these situations it hurts all of us. If the Michael Jackson trial can create such a media hullaballo certainly Frank Jude, Jr. deserves our attention.
The above link has the majority of information on this case including the 911 calls, you have to sign up for a free subscription, however I have received no spam from them as a result of signing up.
1 comment:
Lisa, I'm afraid the lack of media coverage on this comes back to the same sad sign of the's not so much the substance of the story, it's how much the "hype value" can benefit those whose jobs are related to deciding which content gets the spotlight.
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