Monday, May 05, 2008

More than Sci-Fi Computer Forensic

My husband is a fan of crime forensic type television shows, in which all kinds of modern science and technology is used to solve a crime that many times proves one person who was thought to be innocent guilty and vice versa. It typically involves DNA and chemical analysis as well as all kinds of almost sci-fi gadgets. Yet there are other types of forensics out there like Computer Forensics where the importance to a trial or investigation can be just as critical. With the influx of emails and other internet use the untrained investigator not knowledgeable about data could come up with the wrong information.

There are actually firms out there like DataChasers that specialize in computer forensic services not just in court rooms for what is called "e-discovery" but for employers. Has an employee committed some type of fraud then tried to cover their tracks electronically? That's the kind of thing that computer forensics can discover. They also are experts when it comes to pointing out computer vulnerability and threat assessment. I thought it was a very interesting topic to search on and it's amazing how far technology has come. We hear a lot about the crime lab aspect of forensics, who knows maybe a television show based on computer forensics will appear in the future, there are enough of us who love tech stuff out there.

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